> Сценарий на Английском языке > Сценарии к фильмам на английском языке - Неуязвимый (Unbreakable)
Сценарии к фильмам на английском языке - Неуязвимый (Unbreakable) |
В ролях: Брюс Уиллис, Сэмюэл Л. Джексон, Имонн Уокер, Лесли Стефенсон, Спенсер Трит Кларк, Элизабет Лоуренс
Сценарий/субтитры INT. CLOTHING STORE - AFTERNOON Women's casual wear department. J.C. Penny. Legend "1961" An African-American man carrying two J.C. Penny shopping bags is ushered past the department store managers and security guards on walkies that have gathered at the entrance to the woman's dressing rooms. CUT TO: INT. DRESSING ROOM - AFTERNOON A bed has been formed by a chair and three benches. A STRIKING AFRICAN-AMERICAN WOMAN in her twenties lays across it. Her face and clothes are covered in sweat. Her skirt is stained. She holds something wrapped in a soft sweatshirt on her chest. We can't see it, but WE HEAR THE BABY CRYING. She's just given birth. There are three frazzled saleswomen in the dressing room with her. They watch her with quiet smiles. A fourth SALESWOMAN arrives ushering in the man with the shopping bags. SALESWOMAN This is Mr. Mathison. He's a doctor. DR. MATHISON looks over the scene and then directly at the striking woman. DR. MATHISON You okay? The woman nods, "Yes." Sweat trickles down her face. THE BABY'S PIERCING CRIES ECHO IN THE SMALL ROOM. SALESWOMAN An ambulance is on the way. Dr. Mathison puts down his shopping bags and moves to her. He kneels down and gestures for the bundle of sweatshirts in her arms. DR. MATHISON Is there a name yet? Beat. The woman smiles for the first time. WOMAN Elijah. She hands him the wrapped child. We can't see the baby, but THE PIERCING CRIES SEEM TO GET LOUDER. WOMAN Is he supposed to be crying like that? The doctor lowers the baby to his lap and unwraps him. The woman can't see her baby anymore. She watches Dr. Mathison as he looks down and examines her child. Beat. Dr. Mathison doesn't look up for the longest time. WOMAN Can I have him back? THE BABY'S CRYING IS RELENTLESS. UNNERVING. Beat. The doctor finally glances up. He looks shaken. He makes eye contact with the woman for only a second. It's enough. A chill goes through her body. He looks to the three saleswomen who were in the room. DR. MATHISON What happened during the delivery? His hard stare unsettles the women. The OLDER SALESWOMAN speaks up. OLDER SALESWOMAN Nothing. It was very quick. The baby just wanted to come right out. There was no problems. DR. MATHISON Did you drop him? Everyone becomes very still. The mother looks like she stopped breathing. THE BABY'S SCREAMING ENGULFS THE ROOM. DR. MATHISON Did you drop this baby? Beat. OLDER SALESWOMAN Jesus Christ, no. The BABY SCREAMS. The doctor whispers something to himself, we can't hear. He looks up to the saleswoman who brought him in. DR. MATHISON Please inform the ambulance we have a situation... Dr. Mathison turns back to the mother. Beat. DR. MATHISON I've never seen this... It appears your infant sustained some fractures while in your uterus. (beat) His arms and legs are broken. FADE TO BLACK: EXT. TRAIN STATION NEW JERSEY - DAY LEGEND "PRESENT DAY" A fountain of humanity bubbles up from the escalators to the train platform. Businessmen take their last desperate drags of their cigarettes... Women traveling with children herd their luggage and offspring into tight shapes as they move... College students with backpacks look around dazed at the various track numbers. ANNOUNCER(o.s.) Last call track three, Amtrak Clocker making it's final stop at Philadelphia's thirtieth street station. First two passenger cars only. First two cars only. A face inside the train watches the stream of passengers emerging from the escalators. DAVID DUNNE, a man in his early forties, rest his temple against the glass and quietly observes the movement outside. The train starts to pull out. CUT TO: INT. PASSENGER CAR - DAY David sits with his coat on his lap. He's wearing a tie. He doesn't look very comfortable in it. He feels a stare. He looks up to find a girl, six or seven years old, peering at him from over the seat in front of him. She just gazes at him blankly. He gives her a small forced smile. She doesn't react. David returns his head to the window. His eyes begin to shut with the lulling movement of the train. WOMAN(o.s.) You alone? David looks in the direction of THE VOICE. A WOMAN with dark hair and light blue eyes stands in the aisle with two bags over her shoulder. She's wearing a tight white t-shirt and jeans. She's beautiful. David nods "yes." The woman starts putting her bags on the shelf above the seats. She stretches to get them up. Her toned stomach is exposed. She has a silver ring pierced through her navel. David has a gold ring on his hand. He fiddles with it. Beat. He gently slips off his wedding band. It goes into his coat pocket. The woman takes the seat next to him. Beat. A LOUD VIOLENT BURST OF SOUND. The passenger car shakes as a passing train barrels by two feet from David's window. It passes in a few seconds. The car returns to a QUIET HUM. David pulls a magazine out from the seat pocket in front of him. He holds the woman's fashion magazine out. DAVID Someone left these. You want one? The woman looks over the one being offered and then points to the Sports Illustrated peeking out of the seat pocket. David pulls the magazine out and gives it to her. DAVID You like sports? WOMAN It's my field. I represent athletes. I'm an agent. DAVID What a coincidence? I'm a male synchronized swimmer and I'm looking for representation. WOMAN(smiling) Is that right? DAVID But I'm afraid of water, so that's been holding my career back a little bit. The woman laughs. DAVID You represent someone in Philadelphia? WOMAN I'm meeting a player from Temple University. He's a cornerback. You like football? Beat. DAVID Not really. WOMAN This kid is six foot two, two hundred and forty pounds. He runs the fifty in under six seconds. He's going to be a God. Beat. David studies the excitement in her eyes. ANOTHER LOUD VIOLENT BURST OF SOUND. David waits till the opposing train passes. The woman goes back to her magazine. Beat. DAVID I'm David Dunne. The woman looks up. WOMAN Kelly. She goes back to the magazine. Beat. DAVID How long are you staying in Philly? KELLY looks up from her Sports Illustrated. Her striking blue eyes gaze at David. Beat. She holds up her hand. Taps the diamond ring on her finger. KELLY(soft) I'm married. DAVID(fake excitement) Great. Beat. KELLY Sorry. DAVID(fake confusion) What are you talking about? An awkward silence. DAVID I think you got the wrong idea. The woman stares at David. She looks down. Beat. Closes the magazine. KELLY I'm going to find another seat. Kelly gets up. She balances herself against a headrest as the train rumbles. She starts to the back of the car. David sits alone. He looks like he's drowning, but there's no water. He feels a stare. He glances up. The little girl spies on him from between the seats. David leans towards the window to avoid eye contact. His hand reaches into his coat and slides out his wedding band. He puts it back on. His temple touches the glass. The vibration of the train begins to lull his eyes closed... Beat. David's head bounces lightly against the window. The shaking of the glass never allows David's eyes to completely close. He sits up when he realizes the shaking is getting stronger. He looks out the window. The scenery blurs as it flies by. Beat. David turns. Some of the other passengers start to react as they realize the train is picking up speed. The normal bumps of the tracks become amplified. The WORRIED VOICES OF THE TRAVELERS START FILL THE CABIN. The train goes faster. AND THEN THE HIGH PITCHED METAL ON METAL SCREECHING STARTS AS THE TRAIN BEGINS TO TAKE A CURVE. David's eyes move to the seat in front of him. The little girl is no longer watching him. DAVID LOOKS TO THE PASSENGERS ACROSS FROM HIM. He sees the ground slowly drop away in the windows behind them as THEIR SIDE OF THE TRAIN STARTS TO RISE... THE PASSENGERS SCREAM AS THE AMTRAK PASSENGER TRAIN BEGINS TO TILT OFF THE TRACK... CUT TO: INT. FAMILY ROOM - AFTERNOON A boy, age ten, sits on his head on the family couch and watches television upside down. His floppy brown hair spreads out in a circle in front of his red face. He changes channels with a remote control. He moves past the upside down cartoons and the upside down talk shows. He stops on an upside down picture of a crashed train. Beat. His knees come forward as he flips over. He tumbles slowly off the couch and onto the carpet. JEREMY DUNNE gazes at the television screen... A LIVE AERIAL VIEW OF A TRAIN WRECK SMOULDERING BELOW IS SEEN. Two trains are tangled like snakes. Jeremy gets up and moves to a small table with a phone. Next to the phone is a notepad. On it is written... Dad - Amtrak 177 - 3:40pm. Jeremy looks at the television. At the bottom of the screen in red block letters that move from right to left are words and numbers..."The 3:40 Amtrak 177 has derailed... Amtrak Emergency number is 1-800-777-4322... The 3:40 Amtrak 177 has derailed...Amtrak" Jeremy doesn't take his eyes off the screen. He makes a small desperate noise that no one hears. CUT TO: INT. PHYSICAL THERAPY CENTER - LATE AFTERNOON An elderly woman can't hold back any longer and SCREAMS. An embarrassed, tortured helpless scream. MEGAN DUNNE continues applying pressure to her arm which is being pushed back as far as it will go. She counts to three and eases off. She lays her arm back in her lap. WE ARE IN A PHYSICAL THERAPY CENTER. About a dozen people are on specialized weight machines. The elderly woman is seated on an exercise table and breathes slowly. MEGAN You okay, Virginia? Beat. VIRGINIA shakes her head, "No." MEGAN I'll put something on the t.v. Maybe we'll find some almost naked guys to inspire you. Megan reaches up to the t.v. monitor mounted on the wall. She turns it on and starts flipping channels. She stops on ESPN where a swimming meet is underway. Men in bikini swimsuits line the edges of the pool. Virginia starts watching with great interest. Megan's eyes move to the tiny print moving across the bottom of the screen. Her face goes still as she reads the train number... 177. CUT TO: INT. EMERGENCY ROOM - AFTERNOON DAVID DUNNE'S EYES SLOWLY OPEN. THE DULL WHITE OF THE OVERHEAD TUBE LIGHTING BLINDS HIM AT FIRST. He blinks his vision back. He realizes he's in a bed. WE HEAR AGITATED VOICES, MOVEMENT. David looks around. He's in an emergency room. There are a half dozen prep areas and beds next to him. They're all empty. DAVID FOLLOWS THE URGENT SOUNDS OF ACTIVITY TO A PREP AREA DIRECTLY ACROSS FROM HIM. He can only see glimpses of activity through the drawn curtain. A group of emergency room personnel are treating a man whose body is twitching violently on a gurney. One of the group is a man who glances through the opening in the curtain. He notices David sitting up from across the room. THE MAN IN SCRUBS leaves the group and walks over. MAN IN SCRUBS How are you feeling? DAVID Okay. He FLASHES A LIGHT in David's eyes. MAN IN SCRUBS You are in the emergency room of the University of Pennsylvania Hospital. You were in a serious accident. (beat) How's your vision? DAVID Fine. David stares across as the scene with the other patients becomes more frantic and disturbing. MAN IN SCRUBS Where were you sitting on the train? DAVID Against a window. MAN IN SCRUBS In the passenger car? DAVID Yes. Where are the rest of the passengers? MAN IN SCRUBS Was your family traveling with you? DAVID No. MAN IN SCRUBS Did you get up from your seat? DAVID No. David watches the other patient. MAN IN SCRUBS You're certain you were in the passenger car? David turns to the man. DAVID Yes... Why are you looking at me like that? Beat. MAN IN SCRUBS Your train derailed... Some kind of malfunction... It took a curve way to fast. A second train collided with yours after it derailed. The debris is spread over one mile. It's unbelievable they said. (beat) They only found two people alive so far... You and him. David looks to the other passenger now laying unnaturally still in the desperate whirlwind of activity around him. MAN IN SCRUBS The man's skull was cracked open and most of his left side was crushed. Beat. MAN IN SCRUBS And to answer your question, there are two reasons why I'm looking at you like this. David turns and stares at the man. MAN IN SCRUBS One, because it seems, in a few minutes, you will officially be the only survivor of this train wreck. (beat) And two, because you don't have a scratch on you. You didn't break one bone. CUT TO: INT. EMERGENCY RECEPTION AREA - EVENING David moves through the depressing milky corridors of the hospital. He opens a set of double doors. A room crammed with cameras and photographers explodes with movement. A CHILD'S VOICE BREAKS THEIR NOISE. JEREMY I told you! Jeremy Dunne pushes forward through the mob of people and cameras. He bursts out and runs to David. He wraps his arms around David's waist. David just stands there, aware that the cameras are catching it all. He's overwhelmed. Hospital staff and a couple police officers push the media back. Jeremy tugs David to lean down. He does. JEREMY They thought everybody on the train died. David looks at his son's face. Wipes the tears on his cheek. JEREMY I told them they were wrong. A woman moves to them. David stands up and faces Megan Dunne. JEREMY Mom even cried. David looks at Megan's eyes. JEREMY A lot. Megan looks away. MEGAN Not a lot. They stand there for a moment. David looks shaken. Jeremy takes hold of his hand. JEREMY Let's go home. Megan nods. They move to the exit. The pack of cameras and reporters burst to life as they leave the building. They jockey for position to get a last glimpse of David Dunne. CUT TO: INT. KITCHEN - NIGHT David eats a bowl of pasta alone in a modest kitchen. He stares at his hand. Opens and closes it slowly. Beat. He rises and puts the bowl away in the sink. INT. FRONT HALL - NIGHT David stops just before rising the stairs. He glances into a bedroom at the bottom of the stairs. The doorway is half open. He makes eye contact with his wife. Beat. DAVID I don't think I got the job in New York. MEGAN What does that mean? DAVID I'm still going to New York. Just not this second. MEGAN I don't want to drag this out too long for Jeremy. DAVID I know. Beat. DAVID How about in the meantime, you don't sleep in the guestroom anymore? (beat) You sleep in our room. I'll sleep down here. Beat. MEGAN It stopped being our room a long time ago. (beat) You should go up and get some rest. Beat. Megan slowly closes the door to the guest bedroom. CUT TO: INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT David looks at his son asleep in his bed. DAVID Jeremy, why don't you go sleep with your mom? JEREMY(eyes closed) I want to sleep here tonight. DAVID I think it's be better if I was alone. JEREMY(eyes closed) I won't make any noise. DAVID How about your room then? If you get scared like before, you can come back in here? Beat. Jeremy doesn't answer because he's asleep. David rubs his forehead and gets up. He turns on the t.v., low volume, as he moves into the bathroom. CUT TO: INT. BATHROOM - NIGHT Hot water rushes over David's face as he stands in the shower. His attention is drawn to the t.v. which is seen through the slightly open bathroom door. He turns off the water to HEAR. NEWS ANCHOR(t.v.) ...Derailed approximately seven and half miles outside Philadelphia. It came to rest on its side on the northbound tracks. It is train officials belief that some if not most of the passengers were still alive at this time. NEWS ANCHOR(t.v.) The momentary peace lasted only a few seconds. A Boston bound freight train on the northbound tracks was seconds away from passing train 177 when it derailed. The impact happened at about three-fifteen p.m. The first of the two occupied passenger cars was severed in half and sent careening in two directions. The second of the passenger cars was crushed and dragged for four hundred feet. Six crew members were on the freight. One hundred and eighteen passengers and seven crew members were on the passenger train... There is one reported survivor. (beat) Rescue teams will be working for the next forty-eight hours removing bodies and debris. David steps out of the shower. He sees a glimpse of Jeremy asleep in bed. David shuts the door. Locks it. He gets back into the shower and turns the water back on. He closes his eyes. His face tightens up. He slowly hunches down and takes a seat on the tiled floor of the shower. Water pours over him. Beat. His muscular body begins to shake. Then we realize he's crying. FADE TO BLACK: EXT. FAIR - DAY LEGEND "1969" A hazy afternoon. A fair has come into town. They have set up in the vast parking lot of the local high school. A line of women has formed in front of the portable bathrooms. The striking African American woman we saw giving birth is now standing in line. She is older and somehow more beautiful. She stands with a skinny, almost ethereal looking African American boy. The boy wears a metal brace on his leg. THE EIGHT YEAR OLD ELIJAH holds two oversized stuffed animals in his arms. He looks back over his shoulder as THE SOUND OF VOICES YELLING IN EXCITEMENT FILL THE AIR. His eyes dance over the many colorful rides in the parking lot. The door opens to one of the portable bathrooms. A woman steps out. Elijah's mother touches his head and enters the three foot square plastic bathroom. She turns back and gives him a look. MOTHER We'll play the water pistol game next. Elijah nods, "Yes" happily. The mother closes the cubicle door. Elijah is left alone amongst the line of women. They stare at him blankly. Their eyes moves over his leg brace. Elijah doesn't like it. He moves away from the line. A CRESCENDO OF CHEERS RISES IN THE AIR FROM SOMEWHERE IN THE FAIR. Elijah follows the voices. He carries the stuffed animals through the crowds of people. CLICK. CLICK. CLICK. His metal brace sounds as he walks. For a moment, he sees nothing but bodies all around him. He emerges amongst a huddle of teenagers who wait at a turnstile. A man in a red and white striped coat takes their tickets and waves them in. Elijah looks up and sees the sign above the turnstile... "The Hurricane." He watches the teenagers giggle as they each into a grey cup-like seat. They pull the metal bars down in front of them. The man in the red and white stripes leaves the turnstile. Elijah stares up at the multi-colored sign. Beat. He moves quickly. Ducks under the turnstile and climbs onto the platform. Elijah finds and empty circular seat. He slips inside the gray metal compartment and sits. He pulls down the rusted metal bar in front of him. He looks around at all the excited faces. His eyes fill with excitement too. His small hands feel the cold metal of the interior of the compartment. His expression changes. Elijah looks to the stuffed animals in his arms. He presses them to check their softness. He places the stuffed animals on either side of him on the seat. He's wedged in between them. Feels good. He reaches out and touches the hard rusted metal bar in front of him. Elijah looks a little anxious. Beat. He pulls off his sweater and wraps it around the bar. It goes around twice before he ties the arms together. He checks its softness. Elijah looks around the customized cup-like compartment he sits in. He smiles an eight year old smile of pride. AND THEN HE HEARS HIS MOTHER'S VOICE. He searches around and finds her walking in the waves of people. He hears her calling. MOTHER Elijah... She moves in his direction by chance. She finds herself at the entrance to The Hurricane ride. She looks up at the sign above the turnstile. Her worried eyes immediately start searching the young faces in the gray circular compartments. Her eyes meet Elijah's. He waves. Her face goes very still. A HUGE ROAR OF MACHINERY as the ride starts up. Elijah yells to his mother as the platform starts running. ELIJAH I won't get hurt momma! I'm safe! HIS WORDS GET EATEN UP BY THE CHEERS OF THE TEENAGERS AND THE GRIND OF MACHINERY. The platform spins. He sees a glimpse of his mother and the red and white striped man. She's pointing at Elijah. The platform turns... Elijah sees a flash of the red and white striped man's angered face as he yells at the frantic woman next to him. And then the ride speeds up. The gray circular seats start to spin on their own. The teenagers CHEER. Elijah's eyes fill with joy as the wind plays against his face. Suddenly the ride changes directions. The cup-like seats get jerked. Everyone grabs the metal bars to hold on. Elijah laughs as he smashes into the stuffed animal on his right. It cushions him and then falls to the floor of the compartment along with the other stuffed animal. Elijah's expression becomes tense as his compartment spins. His hands slide over the rusted metal bar as the sweater unravels. Elijah looks around... a sudden panic enters his eyes. THE BLURRING IMAGE OF HIS MOTHER NOW IN A GROUP OF RED AND WHITE STRIPED MEN. THE SOUND OF MACHINERY GRINDING IS HEARD as the ride changes directions suddenly. Elijah's hands rip away from the bar as he gets thrown to the side of the compartment. His shoulder and arm takes the brunt of the impact. WE HEAR SOMETHING CRACK. TEENAGERS SCREAM IN EXCITEMENT. ELIJAH JOINS THEM WITH SCREAMS OF HIS OWN. The ride spins its passengers. Elijah's small face looks up at the swirling clouds in a mixture of agony and terror. The ride changes directions. Elijah is thrust forward. He hits the rusted metal bar square against his chest. WE HEAR MORE CRACKS. The world spins. Giggles and yells fill the air. Elijah slumps down onto the floor of the compartment. And then finally, the grind of the machinery slows and then comes to a gradual stop. THE TEENAGERS MOAN. Elijah is facing directly up at the sky. The clouds now move slowly over him. WE HEAR COMMOTION. AGITATED VOICES. HIS MOTHER'S DESPERATE VOICE. MOTHER(o.s.) His bones... He's not well... HER VOICE GETS LOUDER AS SHE MOVES CLOSER TO THE PLATFORM. MOTHER(o.s.) Elijah baby... Then her face appears as she finds the cup-like seat Elijah is in. She begins to scream. Elijah lays on the bottom of the compartment. One arm is clutching his chest. The other is curved horrifically like an "s". His mouth is open. His eyes are bulging. The last thing we HERE ARE THE SHORT DESPERATE BREATHS of an eight year old child about to black out from the pain. FADE TO BLACK: PRESENT: EXT. CHURCH - AFTERNOON WE EMERGE FROM BLACK to find news vans and reporters lining the street across from a church. They have been cordoned off by a handful of police. Mourners are recorded as they emerge from their cars and enter the church. David is among the arriving crowd. MAN(o.s.) David Dunne! At hearing his name, David turns back as he walks. He can't tell which reporter called his name because all of them seem to react. A storm of camera movement as the group jockeys for the best angle of his troubled face. David passes a magnetic board as he enters the church. It reads, "Services for the families and friends of train 177." CUT TO: INT. CHURCH - AFTERNOON A PRIEST stands before a podium. PRIEST Sarah Elaston, social worker at Broad and Locust Community Center. We pray for your soul. (beat) Kevin Elliott, business man, father of six. We pray for your soul. (beat) Glen Stevens, researcher in the area of Leukemia at Drexel University. We pray for your soul. David sits amongst the mourners in the standing room only church. His eyes drift to a woman two rows ahead of him. She's turned around, looking at him. Her eyes are red from crying. David looks away. His eyes stop on an old man far to his left just a few seats away. Father, mother and daughter stare silently. David surveys the entire church... Desperate inconsolable eyes question his existence from every direction. David has to look down. PRIEST ...Jennifer Pennyman, third grade teacher at Jefferson Elementary. (beat) We pray for your soul. CUT TO: INT. BACK OF CHURCH - AFTERNOON David and the priest who conducted the mass are alone in the mass preparation room. The priest looks in his fifties, eyes tired, blood shot. DAVID I used to play football in college. In my first year as quarterback, we went on this winning streak. It just went on and on. It didn't matter who we played... I'd always win. (beat) You get superstitious when something like that happens. You give things meaning. Like you wear the same color socks each game or you listen to the same B.B. King song before you leave the apartment. I wouldn't even untie the shoelaces on my cleats. I'd just slip them on and off so nothing would change... I gave things meaning that had no meaning. (beat) I'm here to make sure I'm not making shoelaces into something they're not again. (beat) I was the only person to survive that accident. The only one... It feels like it means something. Beat. PRIEST Are you a religious man, David? David nods, "No." The priest removes the sacred stoll from his around his neck and kisses it before folding it carefully. PRIEST Good. Because I'm going to talk to you as a man. Not as a man of the cloth. DAVID Okay. Beat. The priest turns to David. PRIEST It was luck. Beat. DAVID What do you mean? PRIEST Luck... Random... Without meaning. David just sits awkwardly. PRIEST Three years ago, my cousin died on a plane that crashed on take off at Philadelphia International airport. Do you remember that crash? David nods, "Yes." PRIEST I prayed and prayed and finally found some meaning in the event. It gave me peace... And then not quite a year later, an entire family from my parish burned to death in a hotel fire downtown... (beat) Again I prayed. Again I found meaning. (beat) Just two days ago, my nephew rode with you on that train back from New York. He was traveling alone for the first time. PRIEST I'm sorry if I can't react to your survival with the appropriate 'It was the hand of God. It was a miracle.' kind of answer... I'm fresh out of those right now. David is shaken. Beat. DAVID(soft) The metal of the watch I was wearing was crushed like a sledge hammer hit it. Beat. The priest's eyes fill with emotion. PRIEST My twelve year old nephew's neck was broken in four places... What's your point? You were chosen? (beat) I don't think so. The priest turns and continues putting away artifacts from the mass. Silence fills the back room. CUT TO: INT. CHURCH PARKING LOT - LATE AFTERNOON No cameras greet his exit. No people anywhere. David walks across the now empty parking lot. His car is the only one left. He walks to the driver's side. Pulls out his keys. That's as far as he gets. His eyes catch sight of the GRAY ENVELOPE tucked under the windshield wiper of his car. David moves forward and gently pulls it out. His name is typed on the front. He turns it over. Two embossed words on the back. "Limited Edition" He opens the envelope. One line, handwritten, gazes at him from the gray index card. The line reads... "How many days of your life have you been sick?" Nothing else is written. David Dunne looks around the empty parking lot quietly. CUT TO: INT. EMPLOYEE LOCKER ROOM - MORNING A poorly lit changing room. A row of metallic lockers sits against one wall. A bench splits the room. A brown folding table with Dunkin Donuts boxes and bagels on it is crammed in the corner. A puke colored concrete floor sets the tone. David and three other large men are changing out of their street clothes. They all put on the same yellow short sleeve shirts. The same two words are written on all their backs... Stadium Security This ritual goes on without a word. CUT TO: INT. MAIN STADIUM CORRIDOR - MORNING David walks along the massive curved wall around the outer rim of the stadium. As he passes the different walkways we get glimpses of the enormous and empty sixty-thousand seat football stadium on the inside. David stops at a door marked "PERSONNEL". CUT TO: INT. PERSONNEL OFFICE - MORNING David knocks on the door as he steps into the cramped reception room to the personnel office. The SECRETARY, an ancient woman with thick flabby arms never stops typing and never looks up as she talks. ANCIENT SECRETARY Yes? DAVID Is Noel in? ANCIENT SECRETARY No sir he is not. (beat) I read about you in the paper. DAVID Oh. ANCIENT SECRETARY I was in an accident once too. A horse almost trampled me to death. DAVID Wow. ANCIENT SECRETARY I had to put him down. Beat. DAVID That's a sad story. (beat) Do you think you could ask Noel something for me? The ancient secretary's right hand immediately picks up a pen and positions it over a blank pad. Her left hand keeps typing. She never looks up. ANCIENT SECRETARY Proceed. DAVID Ask if he can check how many sick days I've taken since I've worked here? Beat. ANCIENT SECRETARY Is that the entire message? DAVID Yes. CUT TO: EXT. STADIUM FIELD - AFTERNOON Rain falls in sheets in the stadium. David stands at the entrance to a tunnel that empties out onto the field. He stands in an imposing dark green rain poncho and hood. The poncho almost touches the ground. The word 'security' on the back has almost faded away. We can barely see David's face under the hood. There is a football game in progress on the enormous field. The players seem unusually small. There is no one in the stands. About four hundred people are on the sidelines of the field watching the players. A soggy limping banner stretched behind them declares, "The Pennslvania Elementary School Championships." David's eyes scan the tiny figures on the field. His eyes come rest on a surge of activity on the sidelines. Beat. David steps out into the rain. CUT TO: EXT. SIDELINES - AFTERNOON A handful of red faced fathers are yelling at each other. They're in each other's rain soaked faces. The scene feels on the verge of physical violence. David and another security guard jog over. David steps in the middle of the tight circle. The men stop yelling in the presence of stadium security. Everyone just stands in the rain glaring at each other. Beat. DAVID You know what I think about to calm down? I think about those big fat, hundred and twenty pound turtles that live in the islands. Those suckers never get angry, never get in fights and live longer than all of us and all they do all is sit on the beach and hump other turtles. (beat) Why don't we take a second and think about the turtles? Nobody moves. Rain washes over the agitated faces. A father breaks the moment. FATHER Yeah Jerry why don't you think about the fat ass turtles... Like your fat ass son on the field jeopardizing the rest of our chances at a fucking championship. David tenses. Everyone looks to JERRY. A bald man who stands just a foot away. Jerry nods to himself. Looks like he's going to say something. Instead he lunges forward and smashes a HEADBUTT to the man who spoke to him. David tackles Jerry hard and fast. He drives him into the ground. Blood starts rushing out of the nose of the dazed father who took the headbutt. The other fathers start yelling and pushing each other. The remaining security guard calls on his walkie for assistance. David keeps Jerry immobilized in a powerful arm and head lock that holds the man's enraged face hard into the wet surface of the field. David's eyes are not on Jerry. They gaze out onto the field where twenty two elementary school boys have stopped playing and are standing frozen, helmets off, rain washing over their faces. They watch in horror as their parents attack each other on the sidelines. CUT TO: INT. EMPLOYEE LOCKER ROOM - LATE AFTERNOON David is the last one left. He's showered and back in his street clothes. He sits in the dimly lit room on the bench, lost in his thoughts when the door opens. He turns to find a somewhat pregnant looking man with a tie step in. This is NOEL. DAVID Hey Noel. Beat. He just stares. NOEL Forty dollars. David turns on the bench. DAVID What? NOEL You're getting a forty dollar raise per week... that's it. Silence. NOEL I checked. You were right. You've never taken a sick day. (beat) Five years, no sick days. I get it. You want a raise. You made your point. The room is still. Beat. NOEL All right fifty dollars and that's the god damn limit. (beat) Are we done here? Beat. David nods, "Yes." CUT TO: INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT LIGHTS OUT. David is wide awake in his bed. He glances over. Jeremy is in deep sleep next to him. CUT TO: INT. GUEST ROOM - NIGHT David knocks again quietly. The guest bedroom door opens. Megan looks up at David. She's just woken up. MEGAN(low voice) Is Jeremy okay? DAVID(low voice) He's asleep. MEGAN(low voice) Oh. Beat. They both stand awkwardly for a moment. DAVID(low voice) I wanted to ask you a question. It'll sound strange, but just think about it for a second. Megan nods, "Yes." DAVID(low voice) When's the last time I was sick? You remember? Megan tries to mask her reaction to the oddness of the question. Beat. MEGAN(low voice) I don't know. It's been a while. DAVID(low voice) I haven't been sick this year. I know that. MEGAN(low voice) Okay. DAVID(low voice) Do you remember me getting sick? MEGAN(low voice) Not a specific day. What's this about? DAVID (low voice) Megan, do you ever remember me getting sick? Beat. DAVID(low voice) In the three years we've been in this house?... In the old apartment?... Before Jeremy was born?... Before we were married? Beat. MEGAN(low voice) ...I can't remember. DAVID(low voice) That's strange isn't it? Not remembering one fever... Or a cold... Or a sore throat. What do you think that means? MEGAN(low voice) It means we're probably to tired to remember. David becomes quiet as he thinks. Beat. MEGAN(low voice) Is that what you wanted to ask me? DAVID(low voice) Yes. MEGAN(low voice) Is there anything else you wanted to ask me while I'm up?... MEGAN(low voice) ...When was the last time you wore pink? When was the last time you drank soup standing up? Final call for strange questions at two in the morning. DAVID(low voice) No that's it. David seems lost in his thoughts. MEGAN(low voice) Maybe you should go up. Jeremy might see you're gone and get frightened. (beat) The train thing, really shook him up. He's scared something's going to happen to you. He doesn't want to let you out of his sight. David stares at Megan. Beat. DAVID(low voice) Yeah. I know. There's silence for a bit. DAVID(low voice) When was the last time I wore pink? MEGAN(low voice) The Mitchell barbecue three years ago. DAVID(realizing) Oh shit... MEGAN(low voice) Matching shirt and shorts. It was brutal. David half-smiles as Megan turns and starts back into the guest room. DAVID(low voice) Goodnight Megan. Megan looks back at her husband. Just for a moment. Then she looks down. MEGAN(low voice) Goodnight David. Megan closes the door slowly shut. FADE TO BLACK: INT. BEDROOM - AFTERNOON WE EMERGE in a cramped sparse bedroom. LEGEND "1974" A thirteen year old Elijah sits in a chair with his arm in a sling. He watches a small black and white television in the corner of the room. WE HEAR FOOTSTEPS. Elijah's mother walks into the room. She looks around for a moment, and then moves to the television. Turns it off. The room GOES SILENT. ELIJAH'S MOTHER No more sitting in this room. I've let it go on long enough. ELIJAH I'm not going out anymore. I'm not getting hurt again. This was the last time. I told you. ELIJAH'S MOTHER You can't do anything about that. You might fall between that chair and this television. If that's what God has planned for you, that's what's going to happen. You can't hide from it in your room. Elijah just sits staring at the dark television screen. ELIJAH They call me Mr. Glass at school. Cause I break like glass. Elijah's face is tense. Unyielding. Beat. Elijah's mother says the next words in almost a whisper. ELIJAH'S MOTHER ...You make this decision now to be afraid... (beat) And you'll never turn back your whole life. You'll always be afraid. Elijah's eyes move from the television to his mother. He sees the emotion in her face. Neither says anything for a while. Beat. ELIJAH'S MOTHER ...I got a present for you. ELIJAH Why? ELIJAH'S MOTHER Forget why. Do you want it or not? Elijah thinks it over. He nods, "Yes." ELIJAH'S MOTHER Well, go get it then. ELIJAH Where is it? ELIJAH'S MOTHER On a bench, across the street. Elijah looks at his mother with disbelief. ELIJAH'S MOTHER You calling me a liar? She points to the window. Beat. Elijah gets up and moves to the only window in the room. The view from his room looks out over a narrow street. On the other side of the street is a public playground. A handful of children are playing on it. There are three benches to one side of the swings. On one of them is a THIN PACKAGE wrapped in brown paper with a bow on it. Elijah looks to his mom who has joined him at the window. ELIJAH Someone's gonna take it. Beat. ELIJAH'S MOTHER Then you better get out there soon. CUT TO: EXT. PLAYGROUND - AFTERNOON Elijah walks across the playground. He's very wary of the other children running about him. He walks towards the bench with the present on it. Takes a seat. Puts the package on his lap. It's flat. The edges of the bend down over his thin legs. He undoes the white bow. He peels off the clear tape holding the brown paper together. He unfolds the paper. Beat. Elijah stares down at the single comic book in his lap. He feels the shadow of his mother. She takes a seat next to him. ELIJAH'S MOTHER I bought a whole bunch. They'll be one of these waiting for you, every time you want to come out here. Beat. ELIJAH'S MOTHER They said this one has a surprise ending. Elijah looks to his mother. His intelligent piercing eyes take her in for a moment. He looks back down at his lap. He opens the first page... DISSOLVE TO: INT. STORE - DAY The same intelligent piercing eyes, twenty-five years older. Elijah has grown into a handsome, regal looking man. He leans on a walking stick. He's looking at an impressively framed charcoal sketch on a wall. Two figures are depicted on the top of a building locked in fierce battle. One figure is extremely muscular with a mask. The other is half human, half animal. MAN This is from Fritz Champion's own library. This is before the first issue of the comic book hit the stands in 1968. Elijah glances at the BUSINESS MAN standing next to him and then back to the sketch. ELIJAH It's a classic depiction of good versus evil. Notice the square jaw of Slayer - common in most comic book heroes. And the slightly disproportionate size of Jaguaro's body to his head. This again is common, but only in villains... The thing to notice about this piece... The thing that makes it very, very special... is its realistic depiction of its figures. When the characters eventually made it into the magazine they were exaggerated... as always happens. (beat) This is vintage. The business man rubs his face. Gazes at the sketch. Beat. BUSINESS MAN Wrap it up. ELIJAH You've made a considerably wise decision. Elijah starts to the back of the store which we now see is some type of art gallery where all the framed pictures are images and sketches from comic books. BUSINESS MAN My kid's gonna go berserk. Elijah jams his walking stick into the extra thick carpet and stops. He turns. ELIJAH Once again please? BUSINESS MAN My son Jeb. It's a gift for him. ELIJAH How old is Jeb? BUSINESS MAN Four. ELIJAH No. Elijah starts back to the businessman shaking his head strongly. ELIJAH No, no, no, no no... You need to go now. BUSINESS MAN What did I say? ELIJAH Do you see any Telletubbies around here?... Do you see a slender plastic tag clipped to my shirt with my name printed on it?... Do you see a little Asian child with a blank expression sitting outside in a mechanical helicopter that shakes when you put a quarter in it?... No?... Well that's what you see at a toy store? Any you must think this is a toy store, cause you're in here shopping for an infant named Jeb. One of us has made a gross error and wasted the other person's valuable time... Elijah's eyes pierce through the shaken man. ELIJAH This is an art gallery my friend. This is piece of art... Elijah points at the sketch. ELIJAH This is one of seventeen original drawings by Fritz Champion remaining in the world. It's value will triple every year... This piece is to be treasured. To be cherished... To be coveted by every single one of your banker friends that think they're better than you. The business man stares at the sketch with large eyes. Beat. BUSINESS MAN What if I kept it? Beat. ELIJAH I'm listening. BUSINESS MAN I'll keep it in my office room. ELIJAH What about Jeb? BUSINESS MAN I have a lock on the door. Elijah just stares. ELIJAH Will it be near a window? BUSINESSMAN No direct sunlight will fall on it. Elijah eyes the man for many seconds. Beat. ELIJAH Come back in three days. I'll think about it. Elijah starts to the back. He passes the front door as two customers walk in. Elijah talks over his shoulder to them. ELIJAH We're by appointment only. MAN I received a card from your store. ELIJAH Congratulations, you have a mailbox... The sale isn't for two weeks. MAN This one was under the windshield of my car. Elijah turns and faces the customers for the first time. David Dunne stands with Jeremy. Elijah just stands staring for the longest time. Beat. He walks closer to them. When Elijah speaks, his voice has a whispery quality to it. ELIJAH You've never been sick? DAVID I don't know for sure. (beat) ...I don't think so. David and Elijah quietly look at each other. Beat. ELIJAH Well if this ain't a riddle worthy of the Riddler? CUT TO: EXT. LIMITED EDITION - LATE AFTERNOON Three chairs have been placed on the walkway in front of the bay window of the store. The words, "Limited Edition" are etched in the window. David, Jeremy and Elijah are seated watching the people stroll by. Elijah's cane is on his lap. Jeremy sips a drink in a paper cup. ELIJAH So let's get some of the usual questions out of the way. Why am I using a cane? Raise your hand if you were thinking that. Jeremy raises his hand. ELIJAH I fractured my leg. It's the fifth time I've done that particular bone. It didn't really heal well this time. ELIJAH Raise your hand is you're wondering who the hell breaks the same bone five times? Jeremy and David raise their hands. ELIJAH I have something called Osteogenesis Imperfecta. It's a genetic disorder. I don't make this particular type of protein very well and it makes my bones very low in density, very easy to break. I've had fifty-four breaks in my life. I have the tamest version of the disorder... Type one. (beat) There are type two, type three, and type four. Type four's don't make it very long... (beat) That ends our lecture on the medical anomaly known as Elijah Price. Elijah stares at his two rapt listeners. ELIJAH How certain are you that you haven't been sick in your life? DAVID Seventy-five percent. ELIJAH Seventy-five percent? That's not nearly good enough for me. I'm extremely skeptical. DAVID Skeptical about what? ELIJAH Your answer to my question. It's one thing to have never been injured in your life, but to state that you've never taken ill, well that's a whole new level. JEREMY Dad's been injured. Beat. ELIJAH What's he talking about? DAVID In college. A car accident. ELIJAH Was it serious? David nods. JEREMY He couldn't play football anymore. Beat. Elijah looks shaken. ELIJAH I assumed because of the train. DAVID You assumed wrong. Elijah closes his eyes. When his eyes open, the life force in them has diminished. Beat. ELIJAH It's over. (beat) You can go now. Elijah uses his cane to get up and walk back through the doors of the store. INT. LIMITED EDITION - LATE AFTERNOON David and Jeremy enter the store. Elijah leans on a walking stick before one of the framed sketches. He gazes at it quietly. DAVID I think you skipped a couple steps. Elijah turns. DAVID You forgot the "Now I'm going to tell you what the hell is going on" step. See usually that comes before the, "It's over" Step. And it always, always comes before the "You can go" Step. (beat) What is over? ELIJAH The life of an idea that has lived too long in my head. David stares at Elijah impatiently. ELIJAH There are probably only four or five individuals in the world who can claim more knowledge of comics than myself. I've spent a third of my life in a hospital bed with nothing else to do but read. I have studied the form intimately. I have seen the patterns in them... The references to social and cultural events and the atmosphere that surrounded them. I've come to believe that comics are our last link to the ancient way of passing on history. ELIJAH The Egyptians drew pictures on walls about battles, and events. Countries all around the world still pass on knowledge through pictorial forms. (beat) I believe that comics, just at their core now... have a truth. They are depicting what someone, somewhere felt or experienced. Then of course that core got chewed up in the commercial machine and gets jazzed up, made titillating - cartooned for the sale rack. Elijah gazes at David. ELIJAH This city has had its share of disasters. Well publicized ones. It was around the time of that plane crash, when it first entered my head. And there it stayed, as I waited and watched the news over the years... (beat) And then one day I see a news report on a train accident and its sole survivor who was miraculously unharmed. (soft) And just like that, an idea blossoms into the flower of possible reality. DAVID What was your idea Elijah? Beat. ELIJAH(soft) If there is someone like me in the world, and I'm at one end of the spectrum... Couldn't there be someone the opposite of me, at the other end? (beat) A person who can't be hurt like the rest of us. A kind of person they were talking about in those stories. Elijah points at the framed comic sketches. ELIJAH(soft) A person they believed was put here to protect the rest of us. Guard us. JEREMY You thought my dad was a real- DAVID Jeremy don't take another sip of that drink. Jeremy looks down at the paper cup in his hands. DAVID Throw it in the trashcan near the door and wait for me outside. Do it now please. David waits for Jeremy to exit the store. Beat. DAVID At the church... You were following me weren't you? ELIJAH Technically no. I gambled that you would attend the church service. I just waited for you. David glares at Elijah. DAVID What's this about? This is obviously some scam. Is this where you tell me one of those pictures is like an investment? ELIJAH You've misunderstood. DAVID I see guys like you all the time in my work. You find someone you think is emotionally vulnerable and you tell them a fantastic story, utterly convincing... and somewhere in there, you slip it in... 'I just need your credit card number','I just need a small down payment.' David shakes his head. He smiles out of frustration. Beat. DAVID Did you know that this morning was the first morning I can remember, that I didn't open my eyes and feel that sadness... Do you know what I'm talking about? That little bit of sadness? (beat) copyright - I thought the person that wrote that note had an answer for me. For why I survived that train. For why my life feels so out of balance... (beat) But I guess that's what you were counting on. Elijah stares carefully at David. Beat. David glances over to the entrance. Jeremy watched through the window concerned. DAVID I'm going to leave now. (beat) Good luck with your sale. Elijah watches David walk towards the front door. ELIJAH What type of job do you have David? David opens the door. He looks back at Elijah. ELIJAH You mentioned you've met 'guys like me' in your work. (beat) What type of job would that be? Beat. DAVID I work at the stadium as a security guard. Beat. David closes the door behind him. Elijah watches through the window as Jeremy takes David's hand as they cross the street. Elijah gazes out the window in a bit of a daze. CUT TO: INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT ALL LIGHTS ARE OUT EXCEPT THE SMALL BEDSIDE LAMP ON DAVID'S SIDE. David sits up in bed staring at a torn section of newspaper in his hands. Jeremy is asleep horizontally with his legs over David's legs. David doesn't blink as he gazes at the headline silently... "TRAIN CRASH DEATH TOLL CONFIRMED AT 131 DEAD. 1 SURVIVOR" Beat. David slides out from under his son's legs. Jeremy stirs but doesn't wake up. David moves to the darkness of the corner of the room. He opens a closet door. A NAKED HANGING BULB GOES ON as David yanks a chain. David steps inside the narrow closet and closes the door slightly so the LIGHT FROM THE BULB DOESN'T FALL ON JEREMY. There's just enough room to stand and look around. David reaches up and pulls a small travel bag out of the way. David stretches as he feels on the top shelf. His hand comes down with something wrapped in a t-shirt. He unwraps it. It's a handgun. He stares at it for a beat before wrapping it back up and replacing it to the highest shelf. He stretches even more. Reaches farther back. WE HEAR SOMETHING SLIDE ON THE SHELF AS HE PULLS IT FORWARD. He pulls down a folder jammed with clippings. He opens the folder to reveal a young David in football uniform holding his helmet in the air victoriously. The word "Champion" is written over his head. David flips through the top clippings #ИМЯ? He turns the pile over. Goes to the last clipping. This piece of paper is folded over three times, unlike the others. He opens it. It's a newspaper headline. It reads... CAR ACCIDENT LEAVES TWO INJURED David puts the new headline next to the old one... They look like a set. Even the font is similar. David stares at the old headline. Stares hard at the photo of the bent and heavily damaged car laying upside down in the middle of the highway... The bulb seems to flicker. David is utterly still. SOMEONE KNOCKS AT THE BEDROOM DOOR. David gets startled. He puts back the clippings. Stuffing the new one inside with them. He replaces it back to the top shelf and leaves the closet. ANOTHER SOFT SET OF KNOCKS as David moves across the bedroom. He opens the door. Megan stands in the darkened hall. Beat. DAVID(whisper) Hi. Megan nods. Beat. MEGAN(whisper) I've come to a decision. DAVID(whisper) Oh. Beat. MEGAN(whisper) Let me just ask you something okay? And you can be totally honest. I'm prepared for any answer. It won't affect me... David nods, "yes." MEGAN(whisper) Have you been with anyone? Since we started havi Вернуться назад |