> Сценарий на Английском языке > Сценарии к фильмам на английском языке - Пятый элемент (The Fifth element)
Сценарии к фильмам на английском языке - Пятый элемент (The Fifth element) |
В ролях: Ли Эванс, Брюс Уиллис, Милла Йовович, Гэри Олдман, Брайон Джеймс, Джон Невилл, Люк Перри, Чарли Крид
Сценарий/субтитры FADE IN: 1EXT. DESERT NILE RIVER VALLEY - DAY Somewhere in the Nile at the edge of the desert. CREDITS ROLL WRITTEN:EGYPT 1913 OMAR and his mule zigzag along the bottom of sun scorched dunes. 2EXT. TEMPLE EXCAVATION - DAY The mule and the boy finally reach a camp. A few tents dwarfed by a huge temple door jutting out of the sand. The camp is deserted except for some kids by the temple entrance holding large mirrors, reflecting light into the temple. Omar leaves his mule in the shade, seizes two goatskins and slips inside the temple. 3INT. TEMPLE - DAY Omar makes his way uneasily down a pillared corridor that opens into a vast room where an old scientist stands on a small wooden ladder in front of the wall across the room. PROFESSOR MASSIMO PACOLI. A young man is beside him, BILLY MASTERSON, age 25, an American student. He has a large sketchpad in his hands. Behind them AZIZ, age 10, whose job is to hold the last mirror which shines light into the expansive room. PROFESSOR (deciphering) ..when the three planets are in eclipse.. His fingers trace across the wall which is covered with symbols and strange hieroglyphs as he deciphers. PROFESSOR "..the black hole like a door is open... Evil comes ... sowing terror and chaos... " See? The snake, Billy. The Ultimate Evil ... make sure you get the snake! The Professor points emphatically to the snake, the symbol of Evil, coming through the door between the three planets in eclipse. C.U. Billy's hand sketches the snake quickly. He is a natural artist. BILLY And when is this door opening snake act supposed to occur? The Professor's fingers touch the signs. PROFESSOR ..if this is the five..and this the thousand.. He calculates. PROFESSOR Every five thousand years.. BILLY (kidding) So I have some time.. He reaches for the pad. ANGLE ON: Omar. Standing at the entrance to the chamber with the water bag, entranced by the sight. A skeletal hand falls on his shoulder. Omar turns to an ancient PRIEST in a rough milled black cannock. PRIEST I will take it to them my son. Startled but obedient, Omar gives the water bag to the Priest. PRIEST Go with God.. be safe from Evil.. The Priest makes the sign of the Cross on the boy's forehead, dismissing him. As soon as he is gone, the Priest turns a worried eye to the Professor. ANGLE ON: The Professor is back to translating, Billy to sketching. PROFESSOR "..then arrange the elements of life against the Terror just so.. " His fingers run on. PROFESSOR " elements around the fifth.. " His fingers fall on the one element that has a human shape, surrounded by all the others. The Priest opens the water skin and begins to pour a vial of powder into the skin. ANGLE ON: Aziz falling asleep. The mirror falls, the light fails. PROFESSOR Aziz! Light! The boy struggles to stay awake. The mirror comes up. PRIEST Lord forgive me.. they already know too, much.. PROFESSOR " which all the history of the Universe resides ..all the strength..all the hope..Protect us from Evil.. " PRIEST (V.O.) Amen.. The Professor turns to the Priest who is pouring water into a tin cup from the skin. PROFESSOR Father.. it in the most extraordinary thing.. the greatest find in history..can you imagine the implications. PRIEST Only too well... here you must be parched.. He hands the cup to the Professor. The Professor takes it, has it almost to his lips when.. PROFESSOR I mean look.. it is like a battle plan.. In his excitement he does not drink, much to the Priest's chagrin. PROFESSOR Here the Good.. Here the Evil.. As the Priest looks up, Aziz the mirror boy, tips his mouth under the water skin, drinking the leakage. PROFESSOR Here.. He points to the Five Elements. PROFESSOR A weapon against evil. Amazing! I am going to be famous. PRIEST Then let us toast to your fame! Here Billy.. The Priest hands Billy a cup. PRIEST Drink! PROFESSOR To fame.. salud.. The Professor raises the cup to drink, and then... PROFESSOR We cannot toast with water.. Billy ! In my sack.. the Grappa! The Priest watches, disconsolate, as the Professor tosses away his water. Billy finishes his cup before running off into the tunnel. 4EXT. COLONNADE - DAY A muffled SOUND grows steadily louder. Outside, a monstrous linear shadow disturbs the kid's game and gradually darkens the temple entrance. 5INT. TUNNEL - DAY Billy is looking for the grappa in the Professor's bag. He comes upon a machine pistol. When the muffled SOUND suddenly grabs his attention. He leans toward the corridor and sees part of a spaceship appear. Billy is paralyzed. 6INT. TEMPLE ROOM - DAY The Professor keeps reading over the inscription. PROFESSOR "..this perfect person.. this perfect being.. I do not understand this.. perfect? " PROFESSOR Where is that boy? Billy! 7INT. TUNNEL - DAY Billy presses himself against the wall, in the shadows, terrified, but sketching away like mad, as large shadowed figures lumber past him. He begins to blink, feeling the effects of the Priest's potion.. 8INT. TEMPLE ROOM - DAY The Professor reads the wall. PROFESSOR And this divine Light they talk about.. what is Divine light? At that moment, the reflection from Aziz's mirror drops again. The light fails. PROFESSOR (without turning) Aziz light! The room is flooded with light all of the sudden. PROFESSOR Better.. this is the most unbelievable thing I have ever seen.. The Professor turns around, and is stunned speechless to find himself face to face with two MONDOSHAWANS. A dozen others fill the hall manning the source of the light, large luminous globes. Aziz is fast asleep. PROFESSOR (uncomprehending) ...Uh, yes? The Professor is lifted up and carried off to the side by the aliens. The KOMMANDER stops in front of the Priest who is still on his knees, face to the ground. PRIEST Master... He was about to discover everything, but I had the situation under control. The two MONDOSHAWAN GUARDS hold the professor three feet off the ground. PROFESSOR (in a panic) Who are you? Are you Germans? Sprechen Sie Deutsch? 9INT. TUNNEL Billy staggers forward, a machine pistol in his hand. 10INT. TEMPLE ROOM The KOMMANDER holds out his hand to the Priest. PRIEST What did I do wrong? The Priest jumps to his feet excitedly. KOMMANDER Servant, you and the thousand guards before you... You have done your work well, but we have to recover the elements. War will soon engulf your planet. We must keep them safe. The Kommander goes over to the wall and seems to be looking for a lock. He finds it and slides in his metallic finger which is more intricate than a key to a safe. He turns his hand, activating a mechanism that opens the wall. PROFESSOR Unbelievable!!! The Kommander turns around and crooks a finger. One of the MONDOSHAWANS waves his hand, puts the professor to sleep and heads down the hallway revealed by the opening. He is followed by his men. The Priest slips in behind them. 11INT. ROOM 2 TEMPLE - DAY The Kommander steps into a vast room. The ceiling is very high, pyramid-shaped. In each corner of the room, four vessels contain four rectangular twelve-inch stones-, the four elements. In the middle, an opaque sarcophagus rests on an altar. The Kommander stops and contemplates it a moment. PRIEST (to himself) The Fifth Element... KOMMANDER Take them and put them in a safe place. His men carry out his order. 12INT. ROOM 1 TEMPLE - DAY Billy staggers across the floor, struggling to stay awake. 13INT. ROOM 2 TEMPLE - DAY The Kommander opens a case. His men come and put the four, precious stones in it, one by one. PRIEST (moved) Will the elements be gone now forever from this place? KOMMANDER When mankind comes to its senses. We will return. PRIEST Knowing mankind as I do, that could take centuries! KOMMANDER Time is of no importance, only life is important. The Priest nods and lowers his eyes. Angle on: Billy staggering forward, raising his pistol, blinking his eyes to focus.. A MONDOSHAWAN puts the fourth element in the case The Kommander shuts the case and looks at the Priest. KOMMANDER When EVIL returns so shall we. PRIEST (head lowered) We will be ready, Lord. Billy suddenly staggers into the room, brandishing his gun. BILLY Stop. Billy trips, the gun goes off. He empties the clip. The Mondoshawan carrying the case crumples to the ground. The wall immediately begins to close. Billy fires wildly, unable to control the powerful kicking gun. PRIEST No!!! Don't!!! The Priest rushes Billy. The weapon has such a kick to it that Billy starts shooting into the air, backs up, then stumbles and knocks himself out. The Priest is on the ground, seriously wounded. So is the Kommander. The WARRIORS are in a panic. CLERK Hurry, Kommander! The wall's closing!!! The wall continues to close. Sand pours in from everywhere. The vast room fills up like an hourglass. KOMMANDER A mission is a mission, Savoia. You'll learn that. The Kommander picks up the case and reaches the wall but can't get through it. His armor is too bulky, the opening too small. He manages to get his arm and the case through. KOMMANDER My apologies to General Kroi -- and my wife.. The wall closes, crushing his arm. The CLERK scoops up the case and runs through the huge piles of sand. 14EXT. COLONNADE - DAY The CLERK boards the ship carrying the case. Omar hides in a corner, frightened to death, hugging Billy's bag of drawings. 15INT. TEMPLE ROOM - DAY The room fills with sand. The Priest's body is soon buried. 16EXT. DESERT - DAY The huge ship's main hatch closes. 17EXT. TEMPLE - DAY The ship lifts off and speeds away. Omar emerges from the temple gaping at the ship as it vanishes in the sky. 18EXT. PYRAMIDS A gigantic shooting star flashes above the pyramids. 19EXT. EARTH ORBIT The ship passes in front of us and heads for the stars disappearing at unbelievable speed. The background is a star-spattered cosmos. WRITTEN:500 YEARS LATER Another, more modern, spaceship, fills the screen. A warship belonging to the Federal Army. 20INT. SPACESHIP CONTROL ROOM CU of a digital control screen. Three planets projecting three straight lines that crisscross at one point. Identical to the one observed by the professor on the temple wall. GENERAL STAEDERT looks out through the ship's window at one of the three huge planets in eclipse. STAEDERT Don't you have anything? Not even a temperature? CAPTAIN The thermo-analyzers have jammed. One of them reads over a million degrees, the other's at minus 5000... Never seen anything like it. TECHNICIAN It's taking shape. 21EXT. SPACE In the middle of the shadows, a door to the nightmare has just opened. Evil is back. A round, moving mass, continually changing color. CAPTAIN (in awe) What the hell can it be? TECHNICIAN Hook-up with the president in one minute, General. General Staedert remains calm. STAEDERT ...Send out a probe. 22INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE MANHATTAN LINDBERG, 50, the president of the United Federations, his features lined and worn by various delegations, mainly military, enters his office. There's a crisis in the air. The President's AIDE leans down to his ear. AIDE On air in 30 seconds. In the middle of the group is a Priest whose appearance reminds us of Egypt. A younger man DAVID, 18, shy, a priest-in-training attends the old man. 23INT. CONTROL ROOM / PRESIDENT'S OFFICE CAPTAIN President on line sir.. General Staedert leans over his screen and seems surprised to see the room but not the president. PRESIDENT (O.S.) Staedert, do you read me? STAEDERT I can hear you, Mr. President, but I can't see you . The President grabs the mini-camera on his desk and yanks it around to face him. His face fills the screen. PRESIDENT (exasperated) Is that better? STAEDERT Perfect, Mr. President. PRESIDENT I have to address the Supreme Council in 10 minutes. Just the facts, General. STAEDERT There are no results from the chemical and molecular analysis as of yet, all the calibers are overshot..we're hoping a thermo nucleatic imaging.. PRESIDENT (exasperated) What you are saying is you don't know what Consternation reigns in the President's office. STAEDERT Not yet Sir..The only thing we know is it just keeps getting bigger! PRESIDENT Options. STAEDERT Wait or act. PRESIDENT Recommendations. STAEDERT My philosophy Mr. President is shoot first ask questions later. I don't like uninvited guests. PRESIDENT Gentlemen? HEAD CHEMISTS I think it would be foolish to shoot at an organism that seems alive, without first taking the time to study it more! Besides, it has shown no signs of hostility. PRESIDENT (worried) No... it's just getting bigger. HEAD CHEMISTS So do people, but that's no reason to shoot them. PRESIDENT (exasperated) The security of the Federated Territories is and remains number one priority. (to the military) I suppose General Staedert's "philosophy" is acceptable to you? All the Generals nod "yes" PRESIDENT All right, then! Staedert? PRIEST (O.S.) Mr. President? The President scans the room. Staedert remote controls the camera toward the room. PRESIDENT ...Yes? The camera moves up the Priest and we finally discover his face. He is in his sixties, a shrewd look in his eyes. Around his neck hangs the Kommander's finger, the key to the temple. PRIEST Cornelius, Vito Cornelius. 50th level parish. I have a different theory to offer you, Mr. President. PRESIDENT I'm listening. CORNELIUS Imagine for a moment that this. thing is not anything that can be identified because it prefers not to be, because it is the antithesis of all we are. Because it is evil.. TOTAL EVIL. PRESIDENT (a little sarcastically) One more reason to shoot first eh? All the Generals nod in agreement. CORNELIUS Evil begets evil, Mr. President. Shooting would only make it stronger. 24INT. SPACESHIP TECHNICIAN The probe will attain its objective in five seconds. Staedert moves closer to the ship's window. 25EXT. SPACE. Evil swallows the probe and immediately bubbles over with activity like a furious volcano. 26INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE STAEDERT Mr. President, we're at crisis point. The President looks puzzled. PRESIDENT Your theory is interesting Father but I don't think we have time to go into it right now! CORNELIUS Time is of no importance, Mr. President. Only life is important. PRESIDENT (exasperated) That's exactly what we are going to try and do: Protect the lives of some 200 billion of our fellow citizens! General? You may fire when ready. 27INT. SPACESHIP STAEDERT (cold) (to the CAPTAIN) ..Up front loading of a 120 ZZR missile. Marker lights on the objective. 28EXT. OUTSIDE SPACESHIP All of a sudden, outside the ship, the strange planet's activity ceases. A black crust immediately covers it. 29INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE SCIENTIST (consulting new data) Its structure has just solidified on the surface, as if the object felt something. If that's the case, we are undoubtedly dealing with an intelligence. CORNELIUS The most terrible intelligence imaginable, Mr. President. The President hesitates. CAPTAIN ...The ship is in combat formation. The missile is loaded, General. PRESIDENT (uneasy) Staedert? Give me a minute... I have a doubt. STAEDERT (cold) I don't, Mr. President. 30EXT. OUTSIDE SPACESHIP The missile explodes from the ship and penetrates its target. The explosion is swallowed like a fizzy pill in a small glass of water. Nothing happens. And then the mass grows larger. 31INT. CONTROL ROOM / PRESIDENT'S OFFICE Staedert looks worried. STAEDERT Load a series of 740 missiles. Maximum shield protection. CAPTAIN Yes, Sir. The President is growing ever more worried. PRESIDENT Staedert? What's going on? Did you destroy it? STAEDERT I'm about to, Mr. President. 32EXT. SPACESHIP A series of three missiles heads for the planet, which absorbs them all. And literally doubles in size. SCIENTIST The planet's diameter has greatly increased and it's moving toward the ship. PRESIDENT Staedert? Get out of there immediately! I don't want an incident, do you hear me, Staedert? STAEDERT (worried) ...What do we have that's bigger than 240? CAPTAIN Nothing, General. PRESIDENT Staedert, get out of there! That's an order! A bead of sweat pearls Staedert's forehead. He is about to give an order when a gigantic flame emerges from the planet and literally swallows Staedert's spaceship. STAEDERT (eyes wide) ... Good God! The flame fills the screen with a horrendous NOISE that.... 33INT. APARTMENT ... wakes up a man trying to escape from a nightmare. KORBEN DALLAS rubs his head. Thirty five years old, short hair, powerfully built, unquestionable charm, good looking in spite of the scars here and there. The alarm clock is still ringing, it shows the date as March 18, 2359. It in two in the morning. Ha grabs a cigarette, and stops to look for a light. He shuts oft the alarm. He hears a cat mewing in the hall. But it still rings. Korben takes a moment and then realizes it in the phone that is ringing. KORBEN (to the cat) I'm coming. He grabs the phone and crosses his tiny apartment (27 feet long by 6 feet wide) heading for the door, patting himself for a light. Behind him, the bed makes itself automatically. KORBEN (on the phone) Yeah? FINGER (V.O.) Hey bud! Finger here. He opens the door for the cat and starts to rummage through a drawer for a match. Out come a handful of war decorations, a hero's collection. KORBEN (to the cat) Hi sweetie! ...A Medal of Honor Certificate to Major Dallas FINGER (V.O.) I love you too Major, but you haven't called me that since basic training. KORBEN I was talking to the cat. FINGER (V.O.) Oh, yeah, I forgot.You still prefer your cat to the real thing. ...A picture of Korben and his ex-wife on their wedding day. KORBEN At least, the cat comes back. FINGER (V.O.) (ironical) You still pining for that two timing bitch. Forget her. There are a million women out there. KORBEN I don't want a million - I just want one. A perfect one. FINGER (V.O.) Don't exist bud. ...A picture of Korben and Finger in uniform next to a space fighter. KORBEN I just found a picture of you. FINGER (V.O.) How do I look? KORBEN Like shit. Korben finds a box of matches with three matches. He strikes one. It does not light. Korben opens the fridge, bare, except for an empty can of GEMINI croquettes. On the packet is an ad: WIN A DREAM TRIP FOR 2 TO FHLOSTON PARADISE. FINGER (V.O.) Must be an old picture.. Listen, you gotta bring me your hack for the 6 month overhaul. A.S.A.P. Korben heats up some brackish water. KORBEN (sighs) I don't need one. FINGER (V.O.) You forgetting who sat next to you for a thousand missions. I know how you drive. KORBEN Finger! I'm driving a cab now, not a space fighter!! FINGER (V.O.) How many points you got left on your license? KORBEN (lying) Uh... at least fifty. FINGER (V.O.) In your dreams! See you tonight! Finger has hang up. Korben sighs and does the same. He gets the heated brackish water and sits down. The cat pounces on the table and meows for its food. Korben pours half the coffee in the cat's cup. The cat meows. Korben taps his cup to the cat's saucer. KORBEN Cheers! 34INT. HALL - DAY - OMIT 35INT. GARAGE - DAY - OMIT 36INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE The office is emptied, only a few army officers remain. An ancient manuscript, Billy's drawings, sits in front of the President. Cornelius turns page after page, illustrating his point. CORNELIUS (to the President) We have forty-eight hours, the time it needs to adapt itself to our living conditions. PRESIDENT (worried) And then? CORNELIUS And then it will be too late. The goal of evil is to wipe out life! All forms of life. For all eternity...Life upsets it. The President appears upset himself by this image. PRESIDENT Is there anything that can stop it? CORNELIUS (knowing) Yes..thank God.. 37EXT. SPACE The Mondoshawan spaceship bursts through a star cluster and fills the screen. 38INT. COCKPIT - OMIT 39INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE The manuscript is open on the President's desk.. CLOSE ON: Billy's rendering of the Mondoshawan. CORNELIUS (to the President) The Mondoshawans don't belong to the Federated Territories, but they are peaceful... in their possession are the four elements of life. These elements when they are gathered around a fifth: The Supreme Being, ultimate warrior, created to protect life...... The SUPREME BEING is standing, as if frozen in armor. All we see is the bottom half of his body. Big metallic gloves hold the case engraved with the emblem of the three suns containing the four Sacred Stones. CORNELIUS ..will produce what the ancients called the light of creation, the light of total goodness which is the only thing that can defeat EVIL. The President points to the spot occupied by the 5th element. PRESIDENT But what happens if instead of this... Ultimate Warrior... it is EVIL who stands here? CORNELIUS White turns to black. Light to Dark. Life to Death. For all eternity. The President's nerves quiver. CAPTAIN Sir, we have a Mondoshawan spaceship at the frontier requesting permission to enter our territory. PRESIDENT I guess I should make a decision.. CORNELIUS They are the only ones who can help.. GENERAL Sir..the Mondoshawan do not belong to the federation. We do not know their intention.. I must recommend a full trinuclear assault.. PRESIDENT (yells) Did you see that..thing..swallow our battleship like a gum drop? You can't even tell me what it is! I ask you for options you give me bullshit. Give them permission to enter our territories with my warmest regards. CORNELIUS (relieved) Thank you, Mr. President. 40INT. MONDOSHAWANS SPACESHIP - OMIT 41INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE - OMIT 42EXT. SPACE / INT. MONDOSHAWAN SHIP The MONDOSHAWAN spaceship zips across the Federated Galaxy. But it is not alone: Two black warships seem to be dogging it. 43INT. MONDOSHAWAN COCKPIT The MONDOSHAWANS have spotted the spacecraft chasing them. FIRST OFFICER Two non-identified ships approaching. CAPTAIN Must be the welcoming committee. 44INT. WARSHIP COCKPIT A MANGALORE sits at the controls of the warship. His terrifying features tell us what sort of welcome they can expect. The pilot fires without warning. 45EXT. SPACE / INT.MONDOSHAWAN SHIP The huge ship is badly hit and immediately swerves oft course. Panic aboard the MONDOSHAWAN ship. 46INT. MONDOSHAWAN SHIP CAPTAIN We've been hit! General alert!!! Blast after blast hits the defenseless ship. CAPTAIN We're losing control! We have to land fast! The huge ship veers oft course and heads for a small red planet, taking hit after hit. CAPTAIN Send out a distress signal!!! Activate the emergency landing procedure! The huge ship approaches the planet at blinding speed. FIRST OFFICER Impact in less than ten seconds! The red planet looms ever closer. CAPTAIN Time is of no importance... The ship crashes in a gigantic explosion. 46AINT. KORBEN'S APARTMENT - DAY A thermo nuclear explosion fills a T.V. screen..Which Korben's cat watches with interest. Korben is about to exit the apartment. KORBEN Don't watch it all day, it'll rot your mind. Bye sweetie.. In response, the cat meows. Korben opens the door to..A huge gun, brandished by a nervous MUGGER, pointing right in his face. MUGGER The cash man! KORBEN Been here long? MUGGER Don't fuck with me man or I'll blow you into tomorrow! Unperterbed, Korben looks at the mugger's fearsome weapon. KORBEN Isn't that a Z140? Alleviated titanium. Neuro charged assault model? MUGGER (off balance) Uh.. KORBEN You know you could hurt someone with this puppy..good thing it's not loaded.. The mugger is lost. He looks at his weapon. MUGGER It's not? KORBEN You gotta push the little yellow button... Korben points to the button on the side of the gun. The mugger takes his advice. MUGGER Thanks.. KORBEN You're welcome.. And with lightning speed, Korben blasts the mugger with a straight right hand, sending him down for the count. Korben retrieves the gun. KORBEN know these things are VERY illegal.. you could get in a shit load of trouble.. I better hang onto it for you.. As the mugger clears his head, Korben opens a drawer next to him which is full of similar guns! The mugger's eyes pop out of his head. He scampers to his feet and runs off. Korben shrugs, exits his apartment, and closes the door. The cat watches a nuclear holocaust on T.V., uninterrupted. 46BINT. KORBEN'S GARAGE - DAY Korben enters his taxi. A robotic voice greets him. VOICE Please enter your license.. Korben complies, and starts to push a series of buttons on the dash. VOICE Welcome on board Mr. Dallas.. KORBEN How you doing this morning? Sleep OK? I didn't. Korben hits a button. The garage door starts to open. VOICE Fuel level 6.03..Propulsion 2x4... KORBEN I had the worst goddamn nightmare. VOICE You have nine points left on your license.. KORBEN Thanks for reminding me.. As the garage door lifts, the Megalopolis that is New York City in the 23rd century comes into view. Startling in it's height, and breath. VOICE Have a nice day.. Korben lets the propulsion build. KORBEN Right.. He lets the gear slip. The taxi rockets off into the City. 47EXT. TAXI STAND - NIGHT - OMIT 48EXT. RED PLANET-OMIT 49INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE Cornelius collapses in a chair. CORNELIUS We are lost! GENERAL MUNRO Mr. President, the attack was launched by two unregistered warships. PRESIDENT Close all borders and declare a state of general alert. GENERAL MUNRO Yes, sir. PRESIDENT (to another OFFICER) Try to contact these Mondoshawans. We owe them an explanation. CORNELIUS (lost, to himself) What are we going to do? PRESIDENT This is government business now. You ought to go home and get some rest, Father. The President motions to his guards to come and get Cornelius. PRESIDENT I promise to keep you informed. A weary Cornelius leaves the room with David's help. PRESIDENT (to the CAPTAIN) ...Has the rescue team found any survivors? 50EXT. RED PLANET - OMIT 51EXT. RED PLANET ORBIT - OMIT 52INT. LABORATORY 1ST DISTRICT MANHATTAN - DAWN An arm, on a surgical cart, moves down the hall of the Nucleological Center, the most sterile of environments. PROFESSOR MACTILBURGH, age 60, hurries alongside GENERAL MUNRO. MUNRO This is all that survived? MACTILBURGH Actually only one cell survived.. MUNRO Have you identified it? MACTILBURGH It's not that easy..we've never encountered anything like it see normal human beings have 40 DNA memo groums..which is more than enough for any species to perpetuate itself..This one has 200,000. MUNRO Talk English Doc. MACTILBURGH This cell is like a huge library. It has infinite genetic knowledge stored inside. Almost like it was...engineered. MUNRO Sounds like a freak of nature to me. MACTILBURGH Yes... I can't wait to meet him. They pass into the lab. 53INT. LABORATORY The two enter a cylindrical laboratory. There is a huge glass turbine in the middle with the metal glove inside. A DNA chain scrolls on the computer screen. MACTILBURGH (rather fascinated) The compositional elements of his DNA chain are the same as ours, there are simply more of them tightly packed. His knowledge is probably limitless.. MUNRO (worried) Is there any danger? Some kind of virus? MACTILBURGH We put it through the cellular hygiene detector. The cell is for lack of a better word... perfect. Munro hesitates a moment. Then he sighs and uses his personal key to open the self-destruct box. MUNRO OK, go ahead! But Mr. Perfect better be polite... otherwise I turn him into cat food. Mactilburgh starts the operation rolling as Munro puts his hand on the sell-destruct button, ready to use it. Thousands of cells form in the heart of the generator, an assemblage of DNA elements. Then the cells move down a tube, like a fluid, and gather in an imprint of a HUMAN body. Step by step bones are reconstructed, then the nervous and muscular systems. Whole veins wrap around the muscles. An entire body is reconstructing before our very eyes. DOCTOR Three seconds to ultra-violet protection. A shield comes over the reconstructing body and makes it invisible. MACTILBURGH (to Munro) ...This is the crucial phase, The reconstruction of pigment. Cells are bombarded with slightly greasy solar atoms which forces the body cells to react, to protect themselves. That means growing skin. Clever, eh? MUNRO (disgusted) Wonderful! The meter slows, drops to zero. ASSISTANT ... End of reconstruction, beginning of reanimation . A whoosh of air in the glass chamber. Captain Munro has his hand on the self-destruct button, ready to destroy the being that has barely been reborn. MACTILBURGH (pushing a button) Activate life support system. An electrical discharge fills the glass chamber causing the body inside to jerk. After a few moments of silence, the SOUND of a heartbeat fills the room over the loudspeaker. ASSISTANT Life support system activated. The Supreme Being is alive once again. MACTILBURGH Remove the shield. The ASSISTANT automatically removes the ultra-violet shield which slowly reveals... a woman... nude... young... and very beautiful. Munro stands there gaping. Not quite his vision of the Supreme Being. Mactilburgh glances at Munro and gently pushes his hand away from the self-destruct button. MACTILBURGH (with a smile) I told you ... perfect! Munro is hypnotized by the GIRL's beauty. MUNRO ...I'd, uh , like to get a few pictures for the archives before she wakes up. Mactilburgh looks at him with a grin. A remote-control camera approaches the girl's face, a flash goes off. Blinded by the flash, the girl jumps and screams. She cowers in a corner, shaking from the cold, darting eyes everywhere looking for the case she was holding. GIRL (very angry) Ouacra cocha o dayodomo binay ouacra mo cocha ferji akba ligounai makta keratapla. Tokemata tokemata! Seno santonoi-aypa! Minoi ay Cheba! Givomana seno! MUNRO (worried) What's she saying? MACTILBURGH (to his ASSISTANT) Activate the phonic detector. The girl kicks the window repeatedly. MACTILBURGH And give her a light sedative... and something to wear! The ASSISTANT hits a button. A pile of clothes drops out of a trapdoor in the ceiling. She snatches up the clothes angrily and dresses quickly. Munro draws closer to the glass window. He watches her dress with undisguised pleasure. MUNRO (to Mactilburgh) This thing solid? MACTILBURGH (smiling) An elephant couldn't crack it. The Girl finishes dressing. GIRL (angrily) Teno akta chataman assin-omekta! Munro smiles safely behind his plate glass window. MUNRO (with a smile) You're gonna have to learn to communicate better than that angel if you want out. Munro dangles the key on a chain that will let her out. The girl rams her fist right through the window. She grabs the key and yanks it. The chain snaps tight and Munro slams into the window knocking himself out. The girl puts her hand through the window again, unlocks the chamber and steps out. She is still bit wobbly on her legs. Two GUARDS try to grab her. She sends them flying across the room. Mactilburgh is most impressed. He sets off a general alarm. 54INT. CORRIDOR LABORATORY The girl runs through a maze of corridors looking for a way out. A squad of SECURITY GUARDS appear in front of her and open fire without warning. The girl takes a leap, grabs an air vent, kicks it out and dives into the air shaft. The COPS try and jump up to the vent, but none can reach it. CHIEF Get me a chair or a stepladder The rest of you go through the main ventilation! 55INT. VENTILATION DUCT LABORATORY The girl moves along unable to see what's ahead of her. She comes to a dead-end, a grill that leads outside. She pushes it out and exits onto the ledge. 56EXT. LEDGE LABORATORY - DAWN She has exited to a ledge on the 450th floor of a building, right in the middle of Manhattan, which we discover for the first time. The city has become monstrous. Buildings rise 600 stories. Cars fly. Subways run vertically...The girl edges along the narrow ledge, unfazed by the height. The CHIEF leans out the vent, looking out into the void. CHIEF (to his men) Go on follow her! The COPS stare into the gaping void. COP ...No way. The CHIEF angrily pulls out his gun and shoots at the girl who ducks around the corner of the building. Unfortunately the other side in full of cops as well. A flying police car zooms up in front of her, sirens blaring. VOICE (O.S.) This in the police. Your status is illegal. Please put up your hands and follow our instructions! The girl feels trapped. She looks down into the endless 450 below and all the cars flying underneath her. Then she raises her arms... and dives off. 57INT. POLICE CAR - NIGHT COP (in the car.) Christ! She dove off! In a panic, the COP makes a wrong turn. The girl falls for several seconds. She lands on the roof of a flying cab. 58INT. CAB - NIGHT Korben tries to control his car, reeling from the impact. VOICE (O.S.) You have just had an accident. Seven points have been temporarily removed... Korben manages to stop his cab, pulls over to the side. VOICE / KORBEN You have one point left on your license. Have a good day. Korben sighs and looks in the back seat to see what the damages are. The girl, a bit dazed (who wouldn't be), emerges from the debris and sits up. There's some blood on her face. Korben is stunned. The girl's still alive and... so beautiful. His heart heads for a meltdown. GIRL Akina delutan, nou-shan. KORBEN (lost) ...'Scuse me? A police car with wailing sirens halts in front of Korben. COP (over a loudspeaker) You have an unauthorized passenger in your vehicle. We are going to arrest her. Please leave your hands on the wheel. Thank you for your cooperation. KORBEN (obeying) Sorry, Hon, but I only got one point left on my license and I gotta get to the garage! The police car presses up against the cab. Doors slide open. Huge guns point at her. Korben feels lousy. The girl's helpless, there are tears in her eyes, she looks exhausted. Korben glances at her in the rear view mirror. She's looking all around to find something to help her communicate with him. Her POV: an ad on the back of the seat. An 800 number to help an orphanage. A teary photo of a kid over the words Please Help. She shoots to Korben a look of pure distress. GIRL (irresistible) Please... HELP... Korben can't resist her plea. KORBEN Don't put me in this position... I can't... I'm late as it is... But he cannot say no to her eyes. KORBEN Finger's gonna kill me. Korben shuts oft the meter and floors it, sideswiping the police car as he roars away. VOICE (O.S.) Your license has been revoked. Would you please.... Korben whips out a gun and shatters the loudspeaker. KORBEN I hate when people cry... I got no defense... The police car takes out after him, sirens screeching. An insane chase ensues. 59INT. NEW YORK STREETS - DAY Korben and his flying taxi are absolute masters of the air. The cops have trouble following him but then another cop car comes to join in the fun. Korben drives like a man possessed, nothing can stop him. Except the dead-end he's just come up against. GIRL Daya deo dono Dato. Dalutan! KORBEN It there's one thing I don't need advice on, it's how to drive. Korben turns his cab sideways and scrapes through a narrow passageway, ripping his taxi light from the roof. The police car smashes into the wall. The other one brakes just in time. COP Shit! Attention all-patrol cars! The car makes a U-turn, looking for a wider passageway. 60EXT. NEW YORK STREET The police car roars up, sirens screaming then slows down and checks out a dead-end flanked by a large vertical neon billboard. The dead-end is empty . Korben's cab is hidden vertically behind the billboard. Seeing nothing, the police drive away. KORBEN We'll wait till things quiet down a bit. You mind? The girl grabs his shirt collar and pulls him close, whispers in his ear. GIRL (weak) ...Priest... KORBEN You're not that bad... Come on we'll get you to a doctor. The girl hands him the handle of the case, struck with the three Egyptian suns. GIRL (weak) Vito... Cor... Ni-lious... Priest... KORBEN Vito Cornelius? The girl nods, then faints. Korben is somewhat lost faced with so much mystery. 61INT. CORNELIUS' APARTMENT - DAY The door opens. Korben is there with the unconscious girl in his arms. KORBEN (embarrassed) Excuse me, I'm looking for a priest. CORNELIUS (tired) Weddings are one floor down. Congratulations. Cornelius closes the door. The doorbell RINGS again. KORBEN She's not my bride, she's my fare. She's looking for this Vito Cornelius. According to the phone guide he lives here. CORNELIUS (curious) That's me. But I don't know who she is... where did you find her? KORBEN She dropped in on me... holding this. Korben hands him the metal handle with the three Egyptian suns, stamped on it. CORNELIUS (staggered) The fifth element. He faints dead away. Korben, with the girl still in his arms looks around helpless. KORBEN (sighing) Finger's gonna kill me... 62INT. CORNELIUS' APARTMENT - DAY In his armchair, Cornelius gets woken by a slap in the face. CORNELIUS (with a start) Who are you? KORBEN I brought the girl remember? CORNELIUS The girl? Cornalius gets up. He looks at the handle. KORBEN Yeah! She dropped in on me. I mean on my taxi... talking... this... this bizarre language... And then it dawns on Cornelius who the girl is. CORNELIUS (eyes riveted on her) He's a she! KORBEN (bemused) You noticed... CORNELIUS (face shining) There's not a moment to lose! Wake her up, but be gentle about it! This woman is mankind's most precious possession! She is... perfect! KORBEN So you do know her. CORNELIUS Uh yes, we're cousins..distant cousins.. Cornelius runs into the next room. Korben looks at the girl, goes to slap her, then changes his mind. Her beauty troubles him. He hesitates, then, gently caresses her cheek. Her skin seems so soft, so fragile. KORBEN Perfect... 63INT. SMALL ROOM David, is mending a cassock when Cornelius bursts into the room out of breath. CORNELIUS It's a miracle!!! DAVID (worried) What is? CORNELIUS (babbling crazily) I can't wear these clothes! This calls for dignity! I have to dress the part! He opens a closet filled with identical robes and plunges in, disappearing as David looks on, uncomprehending. 64INT LIVING ROOM. CORNELIUS' APARTMENT Korben gently kisses the girl's cheeks, but she doesn't respond. He looks around then kisses her on the lips. The girl's eyes snap open. When Korben straightens up he discovers his own gun jammed under his chin. GIRL (angry) Eto Akta Gamat! KORBEN (embarrassed) I'm sorry, it's just that... I was told to wake you up gently, so I figured... The girl pauses a moment. She stares at him, looks puzzled. KORBEN You're right, I was wrong! I shouldn't have kissed you... especially since we haven't been introduced and... (he pulls out a business card) Here, it's a bit late, but... my name is Korben, Korben Dallas. Keep it, you never know, maybe... you'll need a cab one day. I'll be happy to open the door this time!. The girl hesitates, then snatches the card like a wild animal. 65INT. SMALL ROOM Cornelius is lost in the closet. DAVID Father, will you please explain what's going on? CORNELIUS The Supreme Being, the fifth element is here, in our parish!!! It's a miracle!!! 66INT. LIVING ROOM KORBEN ...What's your name? GIRL (after a moment) Leeloo Minai Lekarariba-Laminai-Tchai Ekbat De Sebat. KORBEN (polite) Hey, that's... cute... Do you have a nickname, something a little... shorter? GIRL ...Leeloo. Korben is falling in love. KORBEN That's... really cute... Cornelius bursts into the room. She turns the gun on him. He bows before her. CORNELIUS Appipulai Leeloo Minai.. LEELOO Corn-i-Lius? CORNELIUS (bowing) At your service. LEELOO lowers her guard starts to laugh. An irresistible childish laugh. Korben smiles. DAVID Father. You sure she's the Supreme Being? CORNELIUS Absolutely sure There's the triple suns on her gloves! David bows low, but his eyes glance up at Leeloo. Cornelius begins to lead Korben toward the door, hustling him out. KORBEN They all like this in your family, father? CORNELIUS She's an exception.. CORNELIUS Thank you so much for your help Mr...? KORBEN Dallas. Korben Dallas. Cornelius takes his arm. Leeloo stops laughing when she sees Korben leaving. CORNELIUS Yes. That's fine! Thank you very much. A thousand times over! KORBEN I might call to check up on her, you know... to see if she's better? CORNELIUS She's fine, really..don't you worry.. just needs some rest..she's had a very long trip. KORBEN I know. I was there when she arrived. Cornelius is about to close the door. Korben's hand blocks it. KORBEN Excuse me! Just one thing! She said something to me a while ago and... I don't really get it... Akta Gamat? CORNELIUS It means, "Never without my permission". KORBEN That's what I thought. Cornelius slams the door in his face. KORBEN ...Thanks. 66AINT. KORBEN'S APARTMENT - DAY Korben beads down the hallway. He passes his NEIGHBOR. KORBEN Evening... NEIGHBOR Fuck you! KORBEN ...Thanks... You, too. Korben enters his-apartment. 66BINT.. KORBEN'S APARTMENT - DAY The door slides back and the cat comes rubbing up against him, tail in the air. KORBEN Oh god. I forgot your food ... I'm really sorry! How about a nice Thai nosh to apologize? How does that sound, huh? The cat meows, appeased, just an the phone rings. KORBEN Hello? FINGER (V.O.) Hey bud...I'm waiting all day here. KORBEN'm sorry..listen..I was on the way over but I had a fare fall into my lap.. y'know one of those big fares you just can't resist.. FINGER (V.O.) (suspicious) So, just how big was this fare? KORBEN 5'7", green eyes... long legs... great skin... perfect.. Korben takes out a cigarette. FINGER (V.O.) Uh huh..and I don't suppose you got the name of this..perfect fare.. KORBEN (dreamy) Leeloo.. 67INT. GARAGE - DAY - OMIT 68INT. CORNELIUS' APARTMENT - DAY Leeloo has a towel wrapped around her, it looks like she just took a shower. She sits in front of a computer wolfing down some chicken. Data scrolls by on the screen. David watches from the corner, in awe. DAVID What's she doing? CORNELIUS Learning our history! The last 5000 years that she missed! She's been out of circulation a while, you know. Leeloo breaks into her childish laughter. CORNELIUS What're you laughing about? LEELOO (pronouncing badly) Napoleon... small. She laughs again and tosses some capsules into the microwave. DAVID (hesitant) Uh father, I know she's been through a lot... but the sacred stones..we don't have much time.. CORNELIUS Yes. Of course.. Leeloo takes her plate out of the microwave. A steaming plate heaped with chicken and exotic vegetables. CORNELIUS Leeloo..I'm sorry to interrupt you but.. She sits back down in front of the screen and chomps away heavily on her second chicken. Cornelius sits opposite her. and holds up the case handle. CORNELIUS (serious) The case..with the stones... Where is it? LEELOO San Agamat chay bet... envolet! CORNELIUS The case was stolen? Leeloo nods her head, quite unperturbed and continues to devour the food in front of her. CORNELIUS (shocked) Who in gods name would do such a thing? 69INT. CORRIDOR. ZORG'S WAREHOUSE - DAY CLOSE ON: A pair of feet limping heavily. A MAN comes alongside them. RIGHT ARM Excuse me sir, the council is worried about the economy heating up. They wondered if it would be possible to fire 500... They reach a door at the end of the corridor. Zorg enters a code. ZORG Fire 1000. RIGHT ARM But... 500 is all they need, sir. ZORG turns slowly. A small scar across run across his face, his eye stutters. This is not a man to cross, or contradict. RIGHT ARM 1000! Fine, sir! Sorry to have disturbed you. The door opens... 70INT. CORNELIUS' APARTMENT - DAY ... and David enters carrying a bundle of clothes. CORNELIUS There was this guy with a limp who came a month ago..said he was an art dealer ... Asking all these questions about the Sacred the time I didn't think anything of it.. What was his name? I'm so bad with names... DAVID (to Leeloo, timid) I didn't know your size. Leeloo is happy. She pulls off the towel and stands there nude. Cornelius and David turn away. DAVID They really made her... CORNELIUS Perfect. Leeloo finishes dressing. She is delighted. LEELOO (to David) Domo danko! David smiles, dumb with admiration. Cornelius comes over. CORNELIUS Leeloo? The Stones... We must get them back. Leeloo settles down, sits at the computer and turns it on. LEELOO Ikset-kiba. Me imanetaba oum dalat! CORNELIUS You know exactly where they are! 71INT. WAREHOUSE - DAY A group of handsome WARRIORS approaches. AKNOT, their leader has the sacred case in his hands. The metal handle is missing but the second metal glove is still grasping the case. ZORG (pretending to be worried) Aknot? Is that you? The LEADER nods. A disgusted look stamps Zorg's features. ZORG ...What an ugly face! Doesn't suit you at all! Take it off... AKNOT's face burns away revealing the head of a monstrous MANGALORE. ZORG That's better! Never be ashamed of who you are... You're warriors... be proud... AKNOT says nothing, but if his eyes could talk! ZORG So what if the Federal Army crushed your entire race and scattered your people to the wind... Your time for revenge is at hand... Voila... the ZF1. He takes out a weapon from one a crate and goes into a sales pitch. ZORG (very fast) ...It's light... the handle's adjustable for easy carrying... good for righties and lefties. Meanwhile, two MEN set up a mannequin rigged with various defense mechanisms at the far end of the warehouse. ZORG ... Breaks down into four parts, undetectable by X-rays.. It's the ideal weapon for quick, discreet interventions. A word on fire power: Titanium recharger. 3000 round clip with bursts of 3 to 300. With the replay button, another Zorg innovation, it's even easier... one shot. He fires at the mannequin. ZORG ... and replay sends every following shot to the same location... Zorg spins around, the rounds all hit the mannequin. ZORG (even faster) I recharge, but the enemy has launched a cowardly sneak attack from behind, the automirror takes care of that. Gives me the time to turn around and finish the job. 300 round bursts, then there are the Zorg oldies... He fires off each item he names. ZORG ...Rocket launcher. The always efficient flame thrower... My favorite. Our famous net launcher, the arrow launcher, with exploding or poisonous gas heads - very practical. And for the grand finale, the all-new ice-cube system! The mannequin has been blasted into a pile of ashes covered by a net,. stuck with arrows, the whole mess frozen solid. He tosses the weapon into AKNOT's hands. ZORG ...Four full crates, delivered right on time! What about you, my dear Aknot, did you bring me what I asked you for? AKNOT sets the case on a crate. Zorg gloats while stroking the case. ZORG ...Magnificent. Zorg smiles, takes a deep breath, opens the case. It's empty 72INT. CORNELIUS' APARTMENT - DAY Leeloo breaks into her childish laughter once again. CORNELIUS (astonished) What do you mean empty? 73INT. ZORG'S WAREHOUSE - DAY AKNOT looks into the case. Things grow tense. ZORG Alright..I've got an open mind here.. anyone care to explain? 74INT. CORNELIUS' APARTMENT - DAY Leeloo explains what happened in her language. CORNELIUS (translating) She says that the Guardians never really had much faith in humans. They were afraid of being attacked. The stones were given to someone they could trust who took another route. She's supposed to contact this person in a little less than twelve hours from now in a hotel. She's looking for the address! A map of the stars flashes onto the screen, Leeloo points. LEELOO Dot! The little group comes over to look. DAVID Planet Fhloston, in the Angel constellation Cornelius plops down into his armchair. CORNELIUS ...We're saved! 75INT. ZORG'S WAREHOUSE - DAY ZORG I'm fucked! Zorg calmly closes the case and gives Aknot a blood-chilling stare. AKNOT You asked for a case. We brought you a case. ZORG (shouting) A case with four stones in it. Not one! Not two or three! But four!!! Four stones!!! What the fuck am I supposed to do with an EMPTY case?!! AKNOT's men grow edgy. AKNOT (tense) ...We are warriors, not merchants! ZORG (humored) But you can still count. Look... my fingers. He holds up four fingers. ZORG ...Four stones, four crates... Zero stones... (yelling) ZERO CRATES!!! (to his men) Put everything back, we're outta here. AKNOT's warriors turn their weapons on Zorg. AKNOT (icily) We risked our lives. I believe a little compensation is in order. ZORG (smiling) So, you are a merchant, after all. (to his men) Leave them one crate. For the cause! Zorg's men leave a crate and exit with the other three. 76EXT. OUTSIDE ZORG'S WAREHOUSE - DAY Zorg walks along the street to his limo. RIGHT ARM carries the empty case. ZORG I don't like warriors! They're too narrow-minded, no sublety. Worse, they fight for hopeless causes..for honor! Honor has killed millions of people but hasn't saved a single one. (pause) copyright - You know what -- do I like though, I like killer. A real dyed in the wool killer. Cold-blooded. Clean. Methodical. Thorough. A killer, when he picked up the ZF1, would've immediately asked about the little red button on the bottom of the gun. 77INT. HALLWAY ZORG'S WAREHOUSE - DAY The warriors have all taken a weapon. One of them inspects his ZF1. He turns it over and notices the little red button. He presses it. 78EXT. OUTSIDE ZORG'S WAREHOUSE - DAY Behind Zorg, an ear-shattering explosion levels the warehouse. ZORG (impassive) Bring the priest. 79INT. GARAGE - DAY - OMIT 79A INT. KORBEN'S APARTMENT - DAY Korben is finishing a Thai meal, cooked by a Thai on his mini restaurant anchored at the window. The cat eats next to Korben, contented. KORBEN So you forgive me? The cat meows just as a red light blinks, announcing the arrival of a message in a glass tube. Korben ignores it. THAI Not going to open? KORBEN I've never gotten a message that wasn't bad news. THAI How someone strong like you scared from a message? Is good news I sure! KORBEN The last two messages I got? The first one was from my wife telling me she was leaving! And the second was from my lawyer telling me he was leaving too... with my wife. THAI You right that is bad.. but mathematically luck must change! Grandfather say: "It never rain every day." This is good news guarantee.. I bet you lunch! Korben hesitates, then gives the envelope to the Thai, who opens it with a big smile that fades as reads the contents aloud. THAI ...You're fired. Oh! Korben smiles at him. KORBEN At least I won lunch. THAI Good philosophy..see good in bad.. I like..I prepare number one dessert.. special for you and pussy.. The cat meows. 79BINT. CORNELIUS' APARTMENT - DAY Leeloo is polishing of' an immense pile of dessert as David bangs away at the computer. DAVID I got it! Everything here we need to know about Fhloston Paradise Hotel... and a detailed blueprint of the entire hotel! CORNELIUS Good work, my son. Now all we need is a way to get there. The doorbell rings. CORNELIUS I'll get it. Finish your work my son. Cornelius opens to Right Arm with armed escort. RIGHT ARM Father Cornelius? CORNELIUS My son? RIGHT ARM Mr. Zorg would like a word with you. CORNELIUS Mr. Who? 80EXT. MANHATTAN - OMIT 81INT. HALLWAY CORNELIUS APARTMENT - OMIT 82INT. REFRIGERATION ROOM - OMIT 83INT. ZORG'S OFFICE Zorg turns to Cornelius. ZORG Zorg. Jean-Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg... nice to see you again CORNELIUS I remember you now..the so called art dealer. ZORG I'm glad you got your memory back, Father... Because you're going to need it... Where are the stones? CORNELIUS ...Why on earth do the stones interest you? ZORG Personally, they are of no interest to me, I'd rather sell weapons..but I have a customer... so tell me... CORNELIUS Even it I did know where the stones were I would never tell somebody like you. ZORG Why? What's wrong with me? CORNELIUS ...I'm a priest! I'm here to serve life, All you want to do is destroy it. ZORG Ah, Father... You are so wrong. Let me explain... Zorg leads Cornelius into his inner office. ZORG ...would you like a drink? CORNEL Вернуться назад |